Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Pet - macam karangan sekolah rendah =P

I have a cat.
Its name is Tomot.
A friend said he looks like it was kacuk with kucing utan.
No wonder it has bushy tail and stripe looks like kucing utan.
Hehe.. Tomot is soo manja by the way.
The 1st time i met Tomot, he was so skinny.
After 10 days, he looks healthy, energetic, chubby too!
Everytime i come back from clinic, he will meow2 to me.
That's all, Thank you.. ^_^


Fadhlah said...

welcome..beso pahala jg hayawan kucing ni tau

Anonymous said...

I Have a pet.
It's name is MokuMon.
die makan tiap2 kali lepas main hurdles :p

Ty said...

your meow2 pose is soo cute. but doraemon cat-robot is more cute. plus its blue. but anyway I love your cat too. bushy-bushy cat, you please take gud care of Tomot. maybe after 20 days, ur cat can sing too. singing meow-meow hapi song, everytime u come back from clinic. that's all, send my hugs and kisses to Tomot.

(small kiss, small hug, big kiss, big hug, big kiss again, big hug, small kiss again, and small hug). bubye Tomot, bubye awak (^_^)/

~IjAL~ said...

fadhlah: emm... betol tu =) haiwan kesayangan nabi ni. huhu.. besides, cats are so cute!

toya: ha3.. mokumon pun leh ek, makan tiap kali lepas men hurdles tu =P

Kika: hehe.. during this time he looks quite thin. i'll upload the latest some day =P doraemon is cuter? are u sure? he's round, blue, looks weird for a cat =P some more, he's afraid of mouse, pretty weird eh, ha3.. okay! i'll take good care of Tomot, thanks for ur concern friend =D

eh.. is that a song? sooo cute =) bubye to u too! ^_^

Anonymous said...

waaaa... ade kucing tu... hehe... nk lg x? kat blok B ade lg 2 kucing besar ngn 3 anak dia... hehe

~IjAL~ said...

hehe... comei2 x? nak tgk!

Ty said...

ohh ya la kan? si Dora itu takut tikus, mana boleh? secara natural nya, kucing suka tikus.

tapi kitty awak tak baik kejar tikus, tak baik naughty naughty hi hi. happy selalu dengan Tomot awak ya :D

Anonymous said...

xsume comey... ade gak yg hip dislocate.... haha...... mcm malnourished je sy tgk pun.....

Anonymous said...

I thought this softωагe was a veгy impοrtant thing ever.

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