WBT and Hello!
I’m a
Kedahan. Doesn’t matter where I am right now, where I studied for Dentistry, or
where were primary schools, my Identity Card still shows that I’m a proud
Kedahan! I respect Ustaz Azizan, ex-MB of Kedah.. but no hard feelings, I’m
more grateful now as our new MB is Datuk Paduka Mukhriz Tun Mahathir J
I’m looking
forward to positive changes in Kedah for the next five years. Up until now,
Mukhriz has shown good leadership, filled with Compassion, Loving, Strict,
Discipline and Determination. He attended and organized Majlis Solat Hajat for
the well-being of Ustaz Azizan. What make it more interesting; a number of PAS’
ADUNs also attended the same event. Isn’t that wonderful? Peace and harmony for
the sake of our beloved Kedah.
A leader who can lead our Solat
Mukhriz has shown how strict he can be. He denied the opposition request to
organize ‘BLACKOUT 505’ in Kedah and I’m amazed by his statement!
"Kita sudah terlalu lama berpolitik. Jadi biarlah selepas PRU13 yang paling sengit, kita satukan balik rakyat. Tidak perlu panjang-panjangkan lagi dan timbulkan rasa marah rakyat. Bagi saya, jawapannya adalah TIDAK (untuk benarkan stadium digunakan). Saya juga dapat nasihat daripada polis, permit tidak akan dikeluarkan,"Datuk Paduka Mukhriz
Sinar Harian, 18th May 2013
Please, no
more politicking like Mukhriz said. Now is the time to perform and do your job.
Time will tell whether Rakyat will be with you or not for the next 5 years.
P.S: Saya Sayang Tun Dr. Mahathir!
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